Commemorate the 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade by Standing Up for the Most Vulnerable
Each January, pro-life witnesses throughout the country come together to take a stand for life on the solemn anniversary of Roe v. Wade. While hundreds of thousands march for life on our nation’s capital, hundreds likewise protest in solidarity in our local community. Across the nation, the message is clear: abortion takes human lives and cannot be tolerated.
Please see our Guideline to Homemade Pro-Life Signs for what is appropriate for these events, and know of our deep gratitude to everyone who signed the accompanying Pro-Life Signature Ad to bear witness to the sanctity of life in local newspapers.

Rally and March for Life in South Bend
Friday, January 19, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM
Rally at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 553 E. Washington Street
Followed by Peaceful March to the Federal Courthouse,
featuring a truck stuffed with resources for moms and babies
Dress appropriately for the 0.6-mile walk

2023 March for Life in South Bend
Let all your Facebook friends know you will be there, and invite them to join!

2023 Rally at Knights of Columbus Hall
2023 Stuff-a-Truck for Moms and Babies
Post your own pictures from the March to social media with the hashtag #MarchforLifeSB2024
South Bend March for Life Route
Check out these brief news clips of our beloved local March for Life from 2015 and 2016...


Elkhart Life Chain
Saturday, January 20, 2024 | 10 - 11 AM
Peaceful prayer along Bristol Street outside St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 1405 N. Main Street, Elkhart, IN 46514
Preceded by Holy Mass at 8:15 AM in St. Thomas Church
with Eucharistic Adoration from 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Parking available directly in the church and school parking lot

2023 Elkhart Rally and Prayer Walk
2022 Elkhart Prayer Chain in January
Elkhart Life Chain Location

Thank you to our event sponsor!

For questions about either event, please call the Right to Life Michiana Office at 574-232-5433, or email us at life@prolifemichiana.org. We look forward to seeing you there!