Heart of Our Work
Testimonies of grace, truth, and love from our team at Right to Life Michiana.

October 2023
A Welcome Surprise
Just one day before the 2023 Right to Life Michiana Benefit Dinner, we received a call from Patricia, a supporter for nearly twenty-five years.
Patricia had just returned from Israel the day prior and reached out to us right away when she heard that Dr. Alveda King would be joining us for the event.
We could hear the exasperation in her voice after what was undoubtedly a challenging experience for her as she voiced, “Please forgive me. I just made it home from Israel. By any chance, would you have room for one more at the dinner tomorrow?”
Patricia shared how meaningful it would be for her to hear Dr. King speak, recounting how she had been deeply impacted by a chance run-in with Dr. King’s mother several years prior. She had always hoped for the opportunity to see Dr. King, knowing what a critical force she has been for the pro-life cause.
“I think we can help you out,” we shared with Patricia, assuring her that we were looking forward to seeing her the next day.
Little did Patricia know that Dr. King had one empty seat at her table… a seat that would now have Patricia’s name on it. As Patricia entered the ballroom, we greeted her with a welcome surprise.
“You’ve been through a lot his week, and we know how much you are looking forward to seeing Dr. King. How would you feel about sitting next to her tonight?”
Patricia’s tears of gratitude flowed as she hugged our director and said, “You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.”
At the end of the event, Patricia found us again to let us know how grateful she was for the opportunity to spend time with Dr. King over dinner. This was an evening she will never forget.
Patricia and hundreds of other humble pro-life individuals from our community were deeply moved by Dr. King’s presence and inspiring words, leaving with hearts further convicted, ready to continue working steadfastly to build a world in which all innocent human life is afforded the respect and protection it deserves.