The Truth About Abortion
What is a Human Life?
When talking about abortion, the first question to ask is "What is a Human Life?" The pro-abortion view asserts that a zygote, embryo, and/or fetus is a clump of cells that becomes human at some point during its development: some say at the first heartbeat, when brain activity is detectable, the age of viability, or even birth.
However, science tells us that at the moment of fertilization, a genetically complete individual comes into being, possessing all of the DNA that it will have throughout its entire life. Before the first division of cells, all of the genetic information that will determine the new individual’s gender, natural hair color, eye color, and countless other traits is present.
With this in mind, we must ask the following question: what is different between this genetically complete individual that resides in the womb for approximately nine months and the genetically complete individual that lives outside a mother’s body following birth?
Size: Although an individual inside the womb is admittedly much smaller than an individual outside of the womb, using this observation to undermine the humanity of the unborn is irrational. Size does not dictate dignity or value. Men are typically larger than women, but this does not mean that they are worth more or deserve more rights.
Level of Development: Individuals in utero and outside the womb are often characterized by their level of development. For instance, a pre-born human is referred to as a zygote, embryo, or fetus, while a born individual is referred to as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult. Each of these descriptors refers to the individual’s level of human development. For example, an embryo really refers to an embryonic human, and an infant really refers to an infantile human. Both an embryonic human and an infantile human are less developed than the adult humans they will become. Nonetheless, an individual’s level of development cannot dictate humanity. Older individuals are not more human than younger individuals.
Environment: Altering location does not alter value. If an individual is not already human in the womb, moving down the birth canal does not automatically give the individual humanity and value.
Degree of Dependency: Yes, an individual in the womb is completely dependent on the mother. However, if dependency determines worth, are infants less valuable, because they would not be able to survive if left alone without a caretaker? What about a two-year old or a four-year-old? What about those who depend on insulin to regulate blood sugar? What about the elderly with deteriorating health who rely on the care of nursing home staff for feeding and hygiene?
What is Abortion?
Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. In Indiana, abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy. First trimester chemical and surgical abortions are permitted in clinics, hospitals, and surgical centers. Thereafter, abortions are permitted only in hospitals and surgical centers and are performed surgically.
View the videos below to find out what occurs during a chemical or surgical abortion.
Why Not Abortion?
Because human life begins at the moment of fertilization when a zygote is a self-directing, genetically complete individual, abortion is unacceptable in all cases. It causes unnatural death of a pre-born human being, while introducing the mother to a host of harmful physical and psychological effects that she may carry with her for many years to come.
We understand that the situations surrounding unplanned pregnancies are quite often intensely complicated and very difficult to navigate. They beg extreme courage and conviction of a mother and her support system to whom the pre-born child’s care has been entrusted.
Nonetheless, we have seen exhibited time and time again the incredible strength of women rising up to meet the demands they face in unplanned pregnancy We refuse to sell them short by allowing for the legal killing of their unborn children manipulated to appear as a form of alleviation, indicating that women are not strong enough to handle the circumstances they face in unplanned pregnancy.
But what if pregnancy was the result of a horrible act of violence or might put the life of the mother in severe danger? These are incredibly difficult circumstances that require utmost care and support. However, we hold that—even in difficult circumstances—abortion is never the right answer.
You can read an in-depth defense for life in the context of these and other very sensitive and difficult questions by clicking below:
Positive Alternatives
If you are pregnant and considering an abortion, or are interested in learning about other, positive options and resources available for those in unplanned/crisis pregnancy situations, please visit our page, "Pregnant? Need Help?"
Check out over 200 local resources for women at, offering positive support right here in our community.