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Heart of Our Work

Testimonies of grace, truth, and love from our team at Right to Life Michiana.

Stronger Together

August 2024

Each month, the Right to Life Michiana team invites a partner organization to present a brief in-service, continuing our education and training and building relationships with others serving our community. We take these opportunities to ask many questions of others working in fields that impact our cause. Together, we broaden our understanding and develop our competence to more effectively serve.


In August, we had the privilege of meeting with Bringing Children Hope, an organization which helps moms and families in crisis by providing temporary respite care for their children. The organization concentrates on helping moms in difficult circumstances develop skills, tools, and resources to get back on their feet.


Bringing Children Hope has come alongside moms and children even before birth.


Meeting with this organization renewed our understanding of the trauma often endured by mothers in crisis, which will continue to inform the development and facilitation of our own programs and services at Right to Life Michiana.


Our meeting also gave us a great opportunity to swap best practices used in our respective case work with clients.


The timing was fortuitous. Days after our meeting, a member of our staff encountered someone working with a mother in need and was able to connect them with this organization doing great work.

This is yet another case in point that when good people doing good work unite around a common mission, we are always stronger together.

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