Heart of Our Work
Testimonies of grace, truth, and love from our team at Right to Life Michiana.

July 2023
Each member of the Right to Life staff worked a shift alongside volunteers at the St. Joseph County 4-H Fair to help share the beauty of life at our new interactive exhibit, “Life: Wonderfully Made.” Within the first half-hour, a member of our team witnessed some moving interactions!
“Guys, come look at this,” a mother hollered, as her five children- toddler through teenager- came to check out the exhibit. “See this little one right here? This is how big Chelsey’s baby is right now!”
Chelsey, 18-weeks pregnant, came around the corner to check it out.
“Aww, look, Chelsey! She’s so cute!” Chelsey’s little sister chimed in.
“You see guys… this is why you never get an abortion. This little one is precious right from the very beginning, and there is always a way,” her mom shared.
Looking at our four-month fetal model and sensing the joy of her family recognizing the value of her little one’s life, Chelsey began to tear up. She turned to us, half-crying and half-laughing. “I’m sorry I’m so emotional!” Chelsey was met with hearty congratulations and a great conversation sharing all her excitements and fears about being a mom. “Are you having a little boy or a little girl?” we asked.
“She’s a girl!” Chelsey shared.
“We’re having a girl?” her boyfriend piped in facetiously, as if he wasn’t aware. Chelsey gave him a playful eye-roll and a punch to the arm…
Minutes later, Steve walked up to our booth. He thanked us for our work, just before his elderly father joined him and gave him a slap on the back and a big smile.
“Over 40 years ago, you wanted to abort me, and here you are slapping me on the back,” Steve shared.
“Yep, and I couldn’t imagine life without you now!”